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Data Management and Stewardship Support

Data Management and Stewardship Support

Organisations that rely on data for their business need effective data management to maximise the usefulness of their data. Limited internal resources and a tendency to rely on rigid off-the-shelf solutions which often do not meet specific needs, hinder effective data management. 

The Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) provides structured methodological support through its Data Management and Stewardship Support service. The service is developed to assist organisations in Luxembourg in building data management and stewardship capacities. Organisations can benefit from customised solutions throughout the entire data lifecycle. Solutions include strategy-, process- and policy development, training and workshops, as well as tools customisation.

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To remain competitive in a data-driven world, it is crucial to manage data effectively. Give your institutional data management a boost! 

What is the Data Management and Stewardship Support about?

The service approach aligns with best practices in both research and public administration sectors, ensuring that Luxembourg’s institutions can rely on proven frameworks for effective data management and governance. Building on experience gained during its initial implementation in 2023, the service was further enhanced in 2024 through a series of data projects designed to better serve the unique needs of the country’s research and public sector landscape. The Data Management and Stewardship Support service framework comprises two methodologically integrated components:

  1. Data Management Consulting, offers tailored guidance in data management and stewardship practices, supports the development of institutional solutions, and helps with implementing data governance frameworks.
  2. Capacity Development, focuses on building institutional competencies through established pedagogical approaches to transfer knowledge.

Together, these components ensure sustainable skills development and the integration of robust data stewardship practices.

Focus areas of the Data Management and Stewardship Support service

In 2024, we concentrated our efforts on three key areas: research data management plan harmonisation, institutional data maturity assessment, and data governance in public administration.

Data management plans

In the domain of research data management, our work focuses on supporting institutions in ensuring their data management plans address all relevant stages of the research data lifecycle. We have, for example, helped institutions to align plans with established templates and guidelines, such as those required by the FNR and the Horizon Europe programme. By leveraging established frameworks, we enable research-performing organisations to tailor their plans to their specific workflows while maintaining full compliance with institutional and funding-requirements.

Institutional data maturity

To address institutional data maturity, we conduct assessments that offer organisations a clear understanding of their current data management practices. Building on existing frameworks, we help institutions identify strengths and gaps, providing strategic recommendations for future development. This approach supports the elaboration or revision of data governance policies, ensuring a structured and effective approach to managing data.

Data governance in public administration

Our collaboration with public sector institutions focuses on developing governance frameworks tailored to their unique needs. These frameworks align governance structures with strategic institutional goals while improving operational efficiency. By providing practical and systematic solutions, we help public administrations manage their data in a way that meets compliance requirements and enhances long-term sustainability.

Co-creation for service development

The second version of our service represents an enhancement shaped by feedback from institutional partners and practical experience gained in previous collaborations. Future developments will continue to prioritise structured co-creation, ensuring our solutions remain responsive to the evolving needs of Luxembourg’s research and public administration sectors.

The LNDS data stewards are available for detailed discussions regarding institutional requirements and potential frameworks for collaboration at