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Inside LNDS - Meet our Head of People

Passion for People and Commitment to Diversity – Meet Matthieu, LNDS Head of People

Welcome to take a look inside LNDS and the people who stand behind our activities. In this very first edition of the People blog series, we introduce Matthieu, our Head of People. Through this interview, Matthieu shares his journey from a freelancer to a pivotal leader at LNDS. He opens up about the unique culture, the importance of diversity and inclusion, and his emotional connection to LNDS and its people.

Building and Leading the People Function at LNDS

To begin with this interview, can you tell us a bit about your journey to become the Head of People at LNDS?

I was always trying to help friends, family, or anyone else who needed support. So, searching for a job, 20 years back, I was looking at two things: something very international and something with people. I ended up discovering the Human Resources (HR) field by chance, during an internship in London. I liked it, so I continued my studies in this direction. My background includes a Business School degree and an MBA in International Human Resources (HR) from France.

Now, I have over 20 years of experience in international HR. I’ve worked with large international organisations and taken on freelance projects, which gave me a very diverse perspective on the field of human resources.

I joined LNDS because it felt like an interesting adventure.

Matthieu, LNDS Head of People

When I applied, there was almost no information available about the organisation. It was a green field, and the idea of building something from the ground up was really appealing to me. I initially joined LNDS in March 2023 as a freelancer and converted to a full-time employee in May 2023 as the Head of People.

Why We Prefer “People Department” Over “HR”

Could you explain why does LNDS use the term “People Department” instead of “HR”?

The term “HR” stands for Human Resources, which can feel impersonal and bureaucratic. It implies that people are resources or capital, which doesn’t align with our values. At LNDS, we prefer the term “People department” because it reflects our focus on individuals and their well-being. It signifies a shift from seeing employees as mere assets to valuing them as human beings with unique needs and contributions. This terminology change is part of our broader commitment to creating a more human-centred workplace.

Diversity and Inclusion: Key to Innovation

You mentioned that LNDS is oriented to people. Could you explain in your opinion what makes LNDS different from other employers?

Our focus on people and culture in the hiring process sets us apart. We assess technical skills and cultural fit, emphasising diversity. We currently have 30 nationalities in our team.

For us, diversity is not just a statistic but a driving force behind our innovative and inclusive culture.

Matthieu, LNDS Head of People

In addition, our approach in the hiring process is mostly different because we are candid and transparent, we communicate truthfully with our people and candidates.

How do you promote diversity and inclusion within LNDS and ensure that diverse voices are heard and valued in your communication strategies?

I see diversity as a source of innovation, bringing different minds and ideas together. From the beginning, I’ve focused on challenging teams to hire people different from themselves, fostering an environment where everyone is constantly learning and adapting.

To promote this culture, we emphasize constant communication with our employees. Regular performance reviews, open-door policies, and non-hierarchical structures ensure that everyone, regardless of their position, can share their thoughts and ideas. This approach allows us to tap into the diverse perspectives within our team and foster an inclusive culture.

Furthermore, to maintain our diverse culture, we implemented flexible policies tailored to our team’s needs. These include options for remote work, the ability to work from other countries for personal reasons (within certain limits), and flexible working hours to accommodate personal needs. These are the most important points to promote diversity and inclusion at LNDS.

Building a People-Centric Organisation

How do you foster a positive and supportive work culture within LNDS?

I would say it starts from the top. Our leadership team, led by Bert, supports each other and our teams. We strive for transparency, psychological safety, and trust, allowing employees to voice their opinions and feel valued. We always try our best for having a larger societal impact, by being positive and supportive with our partners but also internally. Moreover, we are a flat organisation, giving teams autonomy to manage their work. This structure helps create an environment where people feel empowered and engaged.

A Deep Connection to LNDS and its People

What aspects of your role at LNDS do you find most fulfilling, what moves you?

It’s the fact that I feel a deep emotional connection to the organisation and its people. LNDS is like my baby; I’ve been involved in hiring almost every single employee, and I take great pride in knowing them personally. This level of care and commitment is something I have never experienced in any other organisation. I am always available for a chat, whether it’s to discuss work-related issues or just to have lunch with colleagues. As any leader in an organisation, I don’t focus on counting my time or monitoring specific details when I’m motivated and happy to contribute. My dedication to LNDS stems from my commitment to the people, I want to make sure that our organisation remains nice and interesting. I want everyone to feel happy and achieve their goals.

How would you describe your experience working at LNDS compared to other places you’ve worked?

I feel incredibly lucky to be at LNDS because it embodies what many People Professionals aspire to but rarely find. Every time I attend conferences or meet with HR leaders, I leave feeling fortunate. Many of them struggle with issues and environments that I no longer have to face. I am grateful to be part of an organisation that is often described in ideal terms but rarely seen in reality.

We have created an organisation that truly values transparency, diversity, and innovation.

Matthieu, LNDS Head of People

Balancing Work and Life

Tell us how it works for you personally, how do you balance your professional responsibilities with your personal pursuits?

It’s a bit difficult in this situation because I care about LNDS and its people, so I’m always connected or thinking about it. But I don’t have a typical nine-to-five job. I can manage my time in a way that allows me to be there for my family while also fulfilling my responsibilities at LNDS. Flexibility is key, and I am happy to work in an organisation that understands and supports this balance. For example, I often adjust my schedule to attend my child’s sports activities and then continue working later in the evening. I am therefore able to manage my time in the most impactful manner.

Looking to the Future and Summing Up

What excites you the most about the future of LNDS and its team?

LNDS is already an exciting journey, but I’m most enthusiastic about what lies ahead. We’re still in the early stages, having assembled a team of currently 63 talented individuals. Now, it’s time for us to deliver. We’re actively building, engaging in discussions with partners, and making progress. Already, we’ve demonstrated significant achievements at the 2023 Data Summit, but there’s much more to showcase in the upcoming summits of 2024, 2025, and beyond.

Beyond the immediate horizon, we’ve engaged in extensive planning with our board of directors and government stakeholders. LNDS thrives on innovation; we tackle challenges that don’t yet have existing solutions. Whether it’s adapting, implementing, or connecting data at the European level, we’re at the forefront of this dynamic field. Data, often referred to as the “new oil”, holds immense potential. However, we view it as “oil”, not because of the commodity for profit, but as a force for societal good. I’m excited to see the positive impact LNDS will create through our partnerships.

How do you plan to contribute to the organisation’s growth and success in the future?

Hopefully by keeping the cap; I always say to our employee that LNDS is a big boat in which we are all together and we know our goal, we are all moving forward at the same speed. I need everybody to push and help moving the boat, but I see myself as one of the captains steering the LNDS ship. So, my role is to ensure we stay on course, support our teams, and continue to grow. As we innovate and tackle new challenges, I’ll be there to guide and support our people. This includes maintaining our focus on transparency, diversity, and innovation.

Matthieu’s LNDS Experience in Three Words

In the end, if you had to describe LNDS or your work in three words, what would they be?

Transparency, Diversity, and Innovation. These values are central to our work at LNDS and reflect the culture we’ve built together.

Thank you, Matthieu, for sharing your story of dedication, passion, and deep emotional connection to your work and colleagues. Your leadership and vision have helped shape LNDS into a thriving and inclusive organisation, making it a truly special place to work.

In the next chapter of our People blog series, we will get to know some of our leading experts and the people who make this organisation outstanding. Stay tuned to learn more about the diverse talents driving LNDS forward!